Friday, October 8, 2010


“The place of redemption is the place where God appears weakest. Where God appears weakest, He is doing the most: This point is the culmination of irony and the paradox. Jesus never looked more incompetent from a human perspective than when He was hanging on the cross, yet He was never doing more from a divine perspective than at that same moment.”

I read this in my text for my Church History class. This is not a direct quote from the protestant reformer, but it is the author’s paraphrase of one of Martin Luther’s thoughts.
I found it incredibly interesting.
It’s deep, but I understand it, and I agree.
It left me pondering other moments in history as well. Is it possible that in the moments that God seems incompetent from a human perspective, he is actually accomplishing the most? An intriguing thought that I will continue to ponder.