Friday, April 10, 2015

God's Will for Your Life is That You Love Him.

Uncertainty.  Change.  Impermanent.  All words that describe my life.  There are aspects of these descriptors that I love and aspects that cause me pain.  The most difficult part is maintaining companionship.  As time passes by, close friends settle down and get married, and I search for new companionship.  Married people don't have much time for single folk, it's just a fact of life.  God bless them and their new families.  Marriage is very good, and I am happy for them.  I'm serious, the only thing more frustrating than what I just described is people feeling sorry for me that I'm 27 and single.  Stop doing it.  This is where God has brought me for reasons He knows because He loves me, and you would dare feel sorry for me? Through this, God has taught me how to have joy in seasons without companionship.   Last night I was watching one of my favorite shows, Pushing Daisies, and one of the characters said "you're no good to someone else unless you're good with being with just you."  That really summed up what I discovered about myself in the last couple months.  I had an unhealthy dependency on my friendships for my joy, and the Lord had to pull me aside and show me that I needed to be okay with just Him and me.  If I am going on the mission field, there will be times where I cannot be dependent on companionship. 

I've spent a lot of time reflecting on what God has brought me through (good and bad), during my 9 years as an adult, in order to prepare me for the work He has for me in the future.  Yet, he hasn't revealed to me what that future work will be, and that brings me to my second point.  We worry and ponder too much about what God would have us do in the future.  Especially young adults.  "What is God's plan for my life? What is His will? What would He have me do?  There must be a grand plan for my life and I don't want to miss it."  I think that more important than any of these concerns is "how can I grow in my love for God today?  How can I serve Christ with my day today?"  I do think that it is important to plan for the future, but we will be blind to His will for us until we've learned to love Him with all of our heart.  When you've learned to serve Christ right where you are (school, workplace, home), and you've made falling in love with Him most important, then His plan will be clear to you.  I'm tired of students waiting to be done with school in order to serve Christ, as if it is a prerequisite.  As if you need a diploma or degree to share the love of Christ.  School is your mission field, even a Christian school.  You will find joy in serving the Lord wherever you are.