Thursday, December 6, 2012


As I sat here in this dimly lit coffee shop, drowning out the chatter of students slaving over their textbooks with music from my over-sized phone, I began to zone out into a world of introspection.  How did I get to this place?  Not this coffee shop overrun with hipsters, but this place in life.  (As a side note, I came here recently and someone was actually typing on a typewriter.  This place is the real deal.  If you find yourself in a heated game of hipster bingo, this is your treasure trove.  It’s like a small exclave of Easttown.  Nevertheless, when Tim Horton’s opened up a hop skip and a jump away, The Bitter End’s position at the top of my favorite GR coffee shops list was conquered. For now, Redolencia holds the top spot in the state) I often get lost in thought about God’s plans and how different they've always been from my own.  If you jumped into a time machine and journeyed back in time, stopping at various points to tell me what I’m doing in 2012, I would have laughed at you, or if I believed you I would have been quite grieved.  The further you go back the more concerned I would be.  As a senior in high school I planned to be a veterinarian by now, married with kids.  None of these things are true, but I’m pretty happy about that.  The place that I’m at now wasn't even the plan a month ago.  God blindsided me with a youth pastor position.  Like a T-bone collision of divine planning just weeks after I decided on a starkly different path.  I’ve evolved into a creature that thrives when the creator leads me to the unexpected.  As I sit here in the unexpected, I look back over the fence into the expected, like a second timeline of Nate’s life, and it looks pretty dull.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


As I look at my blog I realize that it’s been a very long time since I've written anything here.  A lot has changed since then, but I wont take the time and space to catch everyone up, because if you read this blog you probably know what I've been up to.  If not, then just ask. 
As I type this I am sitting in a coffee shop.  One of the things I crave is solitude.  It’s a hard thing to come by living in a house full of people.  I've come to love going to the cheap theater by myself.  I used to see people alone at the movies and I felt bad for them; that was before I tried it and realized how enjoyable it was.  Not long ago I got to spend 24 hours at a cabin by myself.  I read a lot, prayed a lot, and slept a lot, and it was absolutely wonderful.  It allowed me to deal with a lot that I needed to deal with, but it wasn't a one time fix, I need more.  My emotions have been very difficult to deal with in the past couple months.  The cause is a combination of many things including relationships, financial instability, and an unfruitful ministry.  The truth is that I need God desperately, and I feel closer to him when I am by myself.  God has revealed to me part of his plan for my future and I am very excited about that, but it has come out of a season of relentless discouragement.  Even after being given this vision, I am still extremely discouraged and stressed.  I really struggle with things in my mind.  I struggle with inadequacy.  I feel inadequate to do ministry; inadequate to provide for myself financially; inadequate to be a good role model; inadequate to be a good friend.  I know that it’s lies from the pit, but it is so hard not to believe them.  God I need you in my life so desperately.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

When The Going Gets Tough

If your only glimpse into my life has been this blog, then you probably thought I fell off the earth for a few months. Sorry about that. From a blogging perspective my life just hasn't been that interesting. It's been fairly interesting to live it, but it wouldn't be that interesting to read about it. I guess that's mostly because I like to write about good news and exciting things that happen in my life, and those have been few and far between.

I don't know if anyone reads this thing, but it doesn't really matter. I just need to write. I've been so discouraged by countless things in the past few months. I try to seek out the positive and hang on for dear life, but sometimes I start to lose my grip. As a discipline in my life I thank God for the day and for his immeasurable grace in my life every time I pray. Knowing that every day is a blessing and that I don't deserve to live another minute (but still do) helps me get through the day. It seems like I work so hard at something and get nowhere, which makes me question whether what I'm doing is even worth it. I know it's a lie that the devil tells me; but that doesn't make it any less discouraging. I know deep down that the time I have invested in the Lord's kingdom work will not have been in vain. I long for those days when I get to see the truth behind that. In some cases I may never see it, and I must be satisfied with just the faith I made a difference. When I do see it it means the world to me. A couple weeks ago I had a camper (whom I've been praying for these 6 years) reconnect with me and tell me that I impacted his life. It's those moments that bring the most joy. Sometimes I ask myself, would I do it even if I knew those moments weren't coming? Would I continue the work if it was made known to me that I would never know the result of my toil? I hope so. Why? Because the true reward is on the other side. When I see Jesus face-to-face it wont matter a bit if I got to witness my own fruitfulness. Nevertheless, I am in a time of emotional hardship.