I think it’s interesting that we can be where God wants us to be while not becoming who God wants us to be. I also think that the latter is more important. Today I’m in a lowly place. I’ve been zoned out most of the day. I’ve accomplished the tasks of the day, but my mind is somewhere else. As I spent time with Peanut tonight, I wasn’t myself. He even asked me if I had a headache. I didn’t.
Last night God reminded me of a promise I had made to Him. I was abandoning it. I had forgotten. The pleasures of the world had been blinding me and I didn’t know the difference. It should come as no surprise to me that I walked off the path. I took my eyes off the guide. Like Peter drowning in the waves, I took my eyes off my savior and I lost track of where I was and what I was doing. I forfeited my prayer time, Bible reading time, and worship time for house work, job searching, socialization, and sleep. Seemingly harmless things, but what is their purpose without the things I had to give up? What is my purpose without them? I don’t have one. So it should be no surprise that I lost sight of a promise I had made to God. It should be no surprise that my efforts to advance the gospel are frustrating at best. It should be no surprise that I am not the man God wants me to be.