Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm tired... so here are random thoughts

well, I apologize for I have missed two days of blogging. I was, for the most part, away from the internet for the weekend. Right now I am tired and don't feel like thinking.

I tried to think of a few thoughts to leave you with... I think I might start a tradition of saying at the end of my blogs something that I did, my opinion on something in the news, and something that happened to me.

I watched Eagle Eye today... great movie

I think its hilarious that there is a hurricane by the name of Kyle that will hit canada... haha... watch out Kiel, your evil twin is coming to get you... obvious being jealous of the way you spell your name.

Sunday school was about politics... I'd like for that to not ever happen again


1 comment:

Kris Locker said...

wow...politics at sunday school?