Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Priorities... keeping them straight.

A long time ago, at the beginning of the fall semester, I listed my priorities. I set up a basic order of priorities in my life that, when push came to shove, would decide what would ultimately demand my time. I knew, going into a school year of 40 credits, that I would encounter days where I would not be able to do everything I wanted to do.
Interestingly, school work found itself at #3 on the list. So far, by God's grace, I had managed to accomplish the first 2 and still have enough time to finish all my school work. This week it didn't happen. Priorities 1 and 2 left school work in the dust. I still got some of it done, just not all of it.
I'm at peace with how this went down. I am proud that I kept my priorities as I had wanted them. I had a great weekend with Tyler and Alex. God continues to bless my socks off.

Keep running the race.


Rachel said...

Very cool Nate. Great to hear! Keep up the good work!

The Other Wook said...

Sweet deal buddy. It is hard to keep your priorities straight when it is one "good" thing over another. Way to stick to it.

Also, I miss juice.

The Other Wook said...

Clever girl.