Sunday, November 23, 2008


Its blog time!

I am excited because I am going home for a week for Thanksgiving.
I find it interesting when people ask what are you thankful for. I ask people this question too, and it's a good thing to think about. I was just thinking though, about what I was thankful for. I couldn't think of something to write. Not because I'm not thankful for anything. I just can't decide what to write down because I don't know what I'm not thankful for. Just ponder that.
Everything has its purpose, how can I narrow it down to one thing?
I'm thankful for EVERYTHING.

Tonight was a surprise worship night at youth group; meaning the lesson was short and we worshiped through song for a longer time. We also had communion. The leaders knew about it, but not the students.
From the sermon this morning, to the worship night tonight, to conversations with people today, it has been an interesting day, and a day spent getting closer to God.
I've spent a lot of today in thought... even while doing everything else.
In thought about His love.
God's love.
It's amazing.
...Unconditional... have you thought about that lately?
We live in a world of conditional love. People are loved only if they express love. People are not loved, because of things that they've done. It is so hard for us to comprehend a love that is given with no conditions. It's not what we are used to. But it's beautiful. It's a love that doesn't hold grudges. It's a love that says "yesterday was yesterday, it's done, gone, forgiven, let's work on today".

"And God, I thank you for your love; but God, I'll never understand"
-Love Me Still

Last night I was reading Ted Bundy's testimony. If you don't know who he is, he raped and killed an estimated 30 people. Ted Bundy found forgiveness in God. Jesus died on the cross for a serial killer. Unconditional. I get to worship God in heaven next to a serial killer! Unconditional. The thief on the cross. Unconditional.

How long has it been since you've thought about it? Unconditional.
A love with no conditions.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Homeless for Jesus + Thoughts on the Reunion

I have two things on my mind tonight.

I have this strong desire to sell everything I have and live on the street. I hate having loans to pay off, because that's literally the only thing keeping me from doing it. I'm not saying that God has called everyone to this lifestyle I desire... but, the American dream is a construct of the devil, and I would like to get as far from it as possible. We must decrease so that He can increase.
That's all I have to say about that thought.

Second thought:
The CLBC reunion/leadership retreat was sweet. I could say a million positive experiences from said weekend; this is not one of them.
It was unfortunate that the reunion was only a few days after the election. I was more than ready to be done with it all after the 4th. Yet, it was a topic of discussion all weekend it seemed. Okay, fine, I can deal with some more politics if you really have to bring it up. Here's what made me angry though. There was blatantly obvious political division. Things being said like "how can you be a Christian and yet vote for him?". Seriously?!? I don't care if you voted for Osama Bin Laden on Nov 4th, it's over. done. unchangeable. Irrelevant.
My Lord is Jesus
My King is Jesus
My Prime Minister is Jesus
My President is Jesus
I want you to know that who you voted for on Nov 4th doesn't effect our friendship, your relationship with God, or your potential to have a relationship with Him.

I just wanted to get that off my chest.

22 days and counting

Please take a jog over to and keep up to date on my missions journey. I have just posted my last support letter before I takeoff.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life Update

I really have nothing profound to say. Just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive.
Ever since the election has been over, I have had much less interesting or offensive things to say, sorry to disappoint, I'll have to work on that.
It does annoy me though that CNN is already talking about what 2012 is going to look like. Give me a break, could we at least have 2 years of rest from this?

The Lions are prolly going to lose today, yesss, the road to 0-16 continues

I was very affected by church last night, and by the following baptismal service. There has been several occasions where, out of 4000 some people, Pastor Jeff seems to be talking right to me. Last night was no exception. I won't go into why I thought he was talking to me specifically, but his main point was Acts 10, God said "do not call something impure that I have made clean".
The baptismal service was great and I was deeply moved by it. My friend Alissa was baptized, which is why I was there in the first place (congrats Alissa). To make a long story short, God did some changes in me throughout the evening.

Patrick and I saw Rob Bell in the foyer/atrium/whatever of the theater last night. Not that it's that weird, since it is his hometown after all. But non-the-less, it is always strange to see someone, whom you have only ever seen on tv or online, in person. I have several friends on both sides of the fence on this guy, and it actually crossed my mind to sit down next to him and just ask him about the things my friends argue about. I am a fan of first-hand knowledge. But, I decided it would be too weird and awkward.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama?! well... there goes the world (or, so I've been told)

The post below this one was also written today, and is about what God is doing with my life, so don't forget to read that one too.

So, I haven't told anyone who I voted for because frankly... It doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter to me who won. I will admit, Obama gave a very inspiring speech last night, if America is what you love. America isn't what I love though, I have to keep reminding myself that. The kingdom I claim to be my authority is not of this world.

I liked the verse that the guy on the radio quoted today in response to Christians freaking out about the results of last night. Psalm 20 says "some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God"
have we forgotten who we trust? why are we putting so much faith into our government? when were we ever called to do such things?

I will pray for Obama and his advisers. I think that even a government full of corruption and evil (which applies to the Bush government, the would be McCain government, and the elect Obama government) can do some good, and they certainly need our prayer for that.
But in the midst of this prayer, lets not start thinking that the government can bring redemption. yes, they can bring good things. yes, they can bring less evil things than others... but redemption? Let us never forget that redemption is found through Jesus and shown to the people through the church; NOT the government... the church.

There is a problem, when the church is meant to bring Jesus' redemption to the masses, and instead is itself looking for redemption in the human construct that is the American Government.
Just step back for a moment and ponder... how have we (the church) come that far.

Finding Who I Am In Christ

Sorry to all my stalkers and friends... and friends that are stalkers too. It has been like a whole week since I have posted anything. Its like I disappeared off the planet for a bit.

well, my life is crazy as usual, but let me let you in on a few things that are fitting into place.
After a year of searching; not knowing what my purpose was; not having a goal; not knowing where God wanted me, I have learned much. I have gained much wisdom.
Let me stop for a moment and say that I may never know my full purpose, I will never learn everything (obviously), and I will always be lacking in wisdom.
I will say though, that I have narrowed down what I think God wants me to do with my life. I am feeling confident that God is calling me into church planting (as I have briefly noted on an earlier post); possibly church planting AND missions (but really though... I don't think there is a difference). I am feeling good about Christian counseling as a career.

That is long term. That is a goal. That is where I am going.

In the meantime, I have been also working on some short term stuff.
I have applied to the online Biblical studies major at Moody, and I'm feeling pretty good about that. Because it is an online program, I can be spontaneous and be where ever God needs me to be.

Speaking of being spontaneous, let me share with you another goal of mine. I hate the feeling of being enslaved by the world. Let me explain. I am enslaved by my cell phone contract, by my apartment contract, by my loan contracts. contracts, contracts, contracts... they prevent me from being as spontaneous as I feel called to be. (example stolen from Mike C., thanks) If there is a major earthquake in China, I want to be able to drop everything and fly to China and help for 6 months or whatever... IF God provides the money to get there. Right now, something like that is impossible because of all of these contracts. My goal is to be contract free. Yes, it is possible in this world... just harder and more expensive... it's the price you pay.

I hope this all helps anyone who was wondering "what is Nate doing with his life?"

Jesus rocks!