Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama?! well... there goes the world (or, so I've been told)

The post below this one was also written today, and is about what God is doing with my life, so don't forget to read that one too.

So, I haven't told anyone who I voted for because frankly... It doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter to me who won. I will admit, Obama gave a very inspiring speech last night, if America is what you love. America isn't what I love though, I have to keep reminding myself that. The kingdom I claim to be my authority is not of this world.

I liked the verse that the guy on the radio quoted today in response to Christians freaking out about the results of last night. Psalm 20 says "some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God"
have we forgotten who we trust? why are we putting so much faith into our government? when were we ever called to do such things?

I will pray for Obama and his advisers. I think that even a government full of corruption and evil (which applies to the Bush government, the would be McCain government, and the elect Obama government) can do some good, and they certainly need our prayer for that.
But in the midst of this prayer, lets not start thinking that the government can bring redemption. yes, they can bring good things. yes, they can bring less evil things than others... but redemption? Let us never forget that redemption is found through Jesus and shown to the people through the church; NOT the government... the church.

There is a problem, when the church is meant to bring Jesus' redemption to the masses, and instead is itself looking for redemption in the human construct that is the American Government.
Just step back for a moment and ponder... how have we (the church) come that far.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Politics is a new religion and the president is their god. I've been saying that all along, but this morning it became frightenly real when someone (I think she may even be a believer) said "Now we have hope." I was like, "What? We've had hope for 2000 years!" Anyways...I'm with you, man.