Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Homeless for Jesus + Thoughts on the Reunion

I have two things on my mind tonight.

I have this strong desire to sell everything I have and live on the street. I hate having loans to pay off, because that's literally the only thing keeping me from doing it. I'm not saying that God has called everyone to this lifestyle I desire... but, the American dream is a construct of the devil, and I would like to get as far from it as possible. We must decrease so that He can increase.
That's all I have to say about that thought.

Second thought:
The CLBC reunion/leadership retreat was sweet. I could say a million positive experiences from said weekend; this is not one of them.
It was unfortunate that the reunion was only a few days after the election. I was more than ready to be done with it all after the 4th. Yet, it was a topic of discussion all weekend it seemed. Okay, fine, I can deal with some more politics if you really have to bring it up. Here's what made me angry though. There was blatantly obvious political division. Things being said like "how can you be a Christian and yet vote for him?". Seriously?!? I don't care if you voted for Osama Bin Laden on Nov 4th, it's over. done. unchangeable. Irrelevant.
My Lord is Jesus
My King is Jesus
My Prime Minister is Jesus
My President is Jesus
I want you to know that who you voted for on Nov 4th doesn't effect our friendship, your relationship with God, or your potential to have a relationship with Him.

I just wanted to get that off my chest.


Casey Butler said...

I totally agree about the reunion.

That entire week after the election (and, sadly enough that I actually had to, during the reunion), I was arguing with people about the election, with your view on it, by the way, which I think is exactly the right way to view it. Three WOOTs for Jesus.




Kris Locker said...

sadly i have to agree with the reunion. There were so many great things but i was way annoyed with the talk of politics i often used the "it's none of your business" line!

I also agree with the homeless thing. I want live better than simply, i want to live like Jesus did. Teach anywhere and everywhere. Today in Spring Arbor tomorrow the world! I hope!