Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Finding Who I Am In Christ

Sorry to all my stalkers and friends... and friends that are stalkers too. It has been like a whole week since I have posted anything. Its like I disappeared off the planet for a bit.

well, my life is crazy as usual, but let me let you in on a few things that are fitting into place.
After a year of searching; not knowing what my purpose was; not having a goal; not knowing where God wanted me, I have learned much. I have gained much wisdom.
Let me stop for a moment and say that I may never know my full purpose, I will never learn everything (obviously), and I will always be lacking in wisdom.
I will say though, that I have narrowed down what I think God wants me to do with my life. I am feeling confident that God is calling me into church planting (as I have briefly noted on an earlier post); possibly church planting AND missions (but really though... I don't think there is a difference). I am feeling good about Christian counseling as a career.

That is long term. That is a goal. That is where I am going.

In the meantime, I have been also working on some short term stuff.
I have applied to the online Biblical studies major at Moody, and I'm feeling pretty good about that. Because it is an online program, I can be spontaneous and be where ever God needs me to be.

Speaking of being spontaneous, let me share with you another goal of mine. I hate the feeling of being enslaved by the world. Let me explain. I am enslaved by my cell phone contract, by my apartment contract, by my loan contracts. contracts, contracts, contracts... they prevent me from being as spontaneous as I feel called to be. (example stolen from Mike C., thanks) If there is a major earthquake in China, I want to be able to drop everything and fly to China and help for 6 months or whatever... IF God provides the money to get there. Right now, something like that is impossible because of all of these contracts. My goal is to be contract free. Yes, it is possible in this world... just harder and more expensive... it's the price you pay.

I hope this all helps anyone who was wondering "what is Nate doing with his life?"

Jesus rocks!


Casey Butler said...

That's pretty sweet, Nate! I also like the idea of being "contract-free..." that would be great. Spring Arbor basically owns me right now...

Kris Locker said...

it's good to get an idea of what you are doing. I guess i am a friend and stalker :0)

Alissa said...

I hear ya. It sucks being owned by banks, doesn't it? But here's the thing: if God wants you to go, He'll make a way, but don't miss out on what He's teaching you if He decides to withhold that way out for a while.

I have to say, i'm a big fan of God's economics!