Sunday, October 12, 2008

Confession of a Christian: Christians are dumb

welp, I haven't posted anything today so here we go. I promise it will be short, cuz its late and I'm tired!

It seems everyday I get more and more disturbed by Christians in America. A minister at a McCain rally today gave an invocation and said we should pray for McCain to win because every other major religion is praying for Obama to win. A minister? glad I don't attend that church. How about you don't say anything at all so that you stop making yourself sound dumb.
Again, I have not decided who I am voting for; but how about we stop praying for what WE want and start praying for what GOD wants. When did we start thinking that we got this figured out and we obviously need to inform God on the correct strategy here because He is unaware.
Lets stop proving to the rest of the world that we (Christians) are so wrapped up in ourselves and what we want. It's not about me, its not about you... and it's always about God.

I thought about putting that up on facebook, but I need to start not writing facebook notes when I'm tired... that way, more careful language can be chosen so I don't tick too many people off. not that I'm saying I don't truly believe what I said above even when I'm more awake... there's just a real good possibility I could say it in a more convincing, yet less angry manor. Ok, I'll stop explaining myself, I don't think I really need to here.

Peace out


Kris Locker said...

i am so ticked off ;)

as usual, no shock here, i agree with you:

Dear Christians please re-read "Not my will but thine be done" Love, Kris

Casey Butler said...
