Monday, October 20, 2008

The Joy of Victory Requires Resistance

Its been a little while since I wrote something.

This weekend was sooo good! It started early, Thursday that is. Mike Carpenter and Casey Butler came to stay over! So the first night we ended up staying up till 4am talking about various things, mostly theological and also telling stories of spiritual warfare.

Side Note:
Lots of people don't believe that angels and demons participate in our everyday lives, but let me tell you this: If there is not serious spiritual warfare going on around you, I am led to question if you are truly following Jesus. If there's not, and you are truly following Him, then you are very blessed. I like to use evident spiritual warfare as a measurement of if I'm doing the right thing. If God is using me to advance His kingdom in huge ways, there will be huge resistance. God moved in HUGE ways this past summer, and let me tell you from personal experience, there was HUGE resistance. I have crazy stories if you ever want to hear them.

Back to the weekend:
It was just great to hang out with those guys. Patrick also stayed here quite a bit over the weekend, and provided much entertainment.
Sat night I went to the Jenison Marching Band Competition and it was sweet. Amy came with me cuz she felt bad that I was going to go alone...haha. We saw Cait there and sat next to her and her shores friends. Reeths-Puffer rocked the house (but what can I say, I'm REALLY biased). I quite enjoyed Jenison's show too, they have some work to do, but I hope they can bring to competition to state finals (what fun is a competition if no one is close to beating you?).

The Future:
My calling in life is becoming clear. Straingly, I think I knew it all along... I just didn't think I did for some reason.
Me and Mike Carpenter are both ticked off at the "church". I should say, what has become known as the "church" in our culture. Coincidentally, our skills and gifts fit together perfectly for Biblical church leadership. It's actually not a coincidence... I don't believe in coincidences. I believe in God's plan.
I know now that someday I will start a Biblical church with Mike Carpenter. For now, I wait patiently, prepare, and pray. I would appreciate your prayers for this. Like I was talking about above, by saying that I believe God is going to do huge things, I am proudly putting a big fat target on my chest. I will embrace my target, because if it wasn't there I must be going the wrong way.

In the meantime, I still lack a job, temporary direction, and a college degree; I would also appreciate your prayers on that.

1 comment:

Kris Locker said...

I would have totally called dibbs on the marching band competition had i been able to go! Oh man, that would have been AMAZING!

I hope that i am in the area to attend this church. I would seriously consider being head of children ministries, seriously!

Praying for you is an honor. Mike too!