Monday, October 6, 2008

Back to the old structure

My day so far:
even though by the end of the week I mildly began to enjoy my job, it took up huge amounts of my time and prevented my from being close to God... so I quit. If God wants me to have a job he will provide one that allows me to grow closer to Him, this was not it.

I had an interview this morning for a job at Wedgwood Christian Services. It went very well, and I think that I articulated myself clearly. However, I'm not sure that I want the job. It starts as just part-time on the weekends. Part-time would be ok for me... i think i would actually prefer that, but working weekends is kind of an issue. It would mean that I would have to miss youth group every other week and I'm not sure I would be willing to do that. I would love to do what the position entails... working with youth is my passion. I just don't think I can work with the schedule they are talking. I will continue with the interviewing process and see where God leads there.

Here is my thought for the day:
Why is it that Christians find the need to label everything with fishes and crosses? is my bracelet with a cross on it somehow more holy than the other one? What is the point of having that fish outline on your car other than giving Christians a bad name due to your horrible driving? Did you know that most "Christian trinkets" are made by persecuted Christian slaves in China?
I submit that the behavior of stamping everything with Christian symbols is a twisted form of gnosticism, where all matter is evil... unless of course we draw a cross on it... in that case it is clean.

Second thought of the day:
Why do we strive to look so good for Sunday morning? Where did that tradition start? I don't think the first Christians were worried about their appearance as they met in house churches. Is "you have to wear your best clothes on Sunday" really Biblical? or is it just an outdated tradition.

1 comment:

Kris Locker said...

i am happy that you left the job, although you know why i am happy :0)

Good thoughts my friend! I think that wearing the right clothes is right there with putting on a smile and say how much Jesus did that week. It's all an act...we should go to a Claiborne church, that's what i would like.

I am not radical just having a way different perspective. I doubt Jesus wore a tie and suit to church. I would dare to say he may even have gone barefoot *gasp*