Friday, October 3, 2008

I would never do this for a living... but for now, ok

wow... what a lame life I am living at the moment. nothing worth writing has happened since my post last night.
I would rather be homeless than do this for a living all the time. here is the daily schedule: suffer through work, come home, check email, go to bed, wake up, check email, eat, go to work... such is my life. The sad thing is there are people that do this for years and years. no way... Maybe if I enjoyed my work and it was something that I wouldn't mind consuming all of my time. such as working at camp would fall into that category. That is ok... but not a work that i would have to suffer through.

possibly doing a laundry marathon tomorrow, should be a good time.

so there is this machine at work that I helped out at last night. its a paper cutter. it cuts through 1000 sheets of paper like a hot knife through butter. I was impressed.

sorry, I don't have three things today... nothing has happened. tune in tomorrow

1 comment:

Kris Locker said...

i truly believe this experience will prove helpful someday! You are right, a lot of people do that. Change the shifts and both of parents have done that for most of my life!

Good luck with that laundry and if you get real bored i'm hibernating in my apartment and you can always call!