Thursday, October 2, 2008


So I was driving by a church today that I drive by nearly everyday. I have thought in the past "hey, that seems like a pretty nice church". Today, the sign out front reads "give God what's right not what's left"
Ok, if I was a new Christian and looking for a good church that would be accepting, and I saw that sign, I would be like "wow... ok judgmental church... moving on"
Telling people who to vote for on a church sign, helping the kingdom or hindering it? what are your thoughts?

3 things:

I got my hair cut... mmhmm

There was a house fire in Ottawa county that claimed the lives of 4 people a few days ago. Yesterday, autopsies revealed they were dead before the fire... murder...
I have no addition opinion on this story... i just thought it was intriguing.

For lack of something better... Google maps failed me again today... i went to the wrong side of town.


Kris Locker said...

ohhh a haircut and no beard? Will i even know who you are whenever i see you again. Maybe by then it'll all grow back :0)

I think you are pretty outstanding; just so you know.

Alissa said...

Devil's advocate: maybe the sign didn't have anything to do with politics? Could they have been suggesting that we give God our good stuff (or the "right" stuff) instead of what's left over ("left")? I hope that's what they meant, 'cuz if not, that's pretty ignorant of them.