Wednesday, October 8, 2008

sleep and other random thoughts

So here's my problem... I even took sleeping pills and I can't sleep. ugh.
I am trying to revert back to a 1st shift schedule and its not working...
I think the only option is to simply stay awake until tomorrow night and then sleep.
last night I tried to go to sleep at 2am and laid there for an hour. After falling asleep I proceeded to wake up every hour. although... since I think the only person who actually reads my blog everyday is Kris... that's old news.

A note on dreams. although, almost all of my dreams are completely ridiculous, plotless, and structureless, (and the ones that aren't seem to be prophetic in nature) there seems to be a common feature in almost all of them. Camp seems to make its way into almost every single dream I have somehow or another. I like to think that I am going through withdrawals... although, I am content with the scientific explanation that, since camp makes up the majority of my recent memories, it only makes sense that it would make its nightly appearances in my dreams.

Last nights debate was just annoying. for the limited time that I actually watched it, all I saw was two politicians trying to discredit the other and never talking about what they would do as president. I hate that. I still have made no decision regarding what I will do come election day... and the time is approaching. I have four options that are still on the table at this point:
vote for Obama
vote for McCain
vote for Jesus
don't vote at all and take no responsibility in my government (as no one has yet given me a good Biblical arguement as to why I should)

I am very much in the undecided column

I really want to read Rob Bell's new book. its called "Jesus wants to save Christians" It sounds amazing. I have personal bias' against Rob Bell, but after reviewing them they have only come from other people and not from things that I have personally heard Rob say. I figure I will give his new book a chance, as it looks very good, and then base my opinion of him on that.

I'm working on a new song... nothing final yet... but its been a whole year maybe since I wrote one

just talked to an old friend on facebook at 5am... good times

I am mostly leaving myspace, but while check it occasionally for those lame people without a facebook or gmail chat... or aim
yes... some people are THAT lame... haha

i will stop babeling now

and there's a new poll for yall... or you... if its true that only Kris reads this... ;-)


Kris Locker said...

i do read it everyday and i'm a fan :0)!

Totally agree about the debate last night and i was actually just about to write about it and a dream. We are so much alike it's scary i think.

wow. Good luck with that sleep.

Casey Butler said...

Hey. I read your blog every day, Nate...I'm just not always very responsive or witty to post comments like Kris Locker.

I wouldn't know much about the debate last night, since I'm pretty much always doing something else whenever they have one, although I have heard many people were unsatisfied with it.

Kris Locker said...

I'm witty?!?

I just wanted you to know that i had to make a new blog...i dont think anyone is a "follower" of that one. Just wanted to make you aware!

Unknown said...

Dear Casey,
thanks for letting me know your still alive!

your friend,